Tuesday, August 17, 2010

There Really IS a Baby in There!

So I've been going through this strange phase in which I feel as if I'm making all of this up in my head. Babies happen to other people, not me! Logic tells me that yes, I'm pregnant. But then the surrealism hits and it's just weird.

Today at my appt, the midwife couldn't find a heartbeat right away because of the whole tilted uterus thing and so she got out the old ultrasound machine!!! As soon as her assistant walked out to get it, she found the heartbeat, but I was like, "Can I still see it????"

So guess what??? PICTURES!!!!! They don't look like much and I can't find my scanner cords to upload them, but I will soon. For now, here is a video of the ultrasound from my iPhone. YAY!

My full anatomical ultrasound is scheduled for October 4th. That's when I'll (hopefully) find out the sex of the baby as well. I can't wait!!!


  1. Yay, cool video!

    So, what's a tilted uterus?

    And how did you decide to do the midwife thing and how does it work??

  2. I'm so proud of you Rhiannon, and I'm soooo excited for you!! -wow there really IS a baby in there!!!!!!!
    (LOL, I never doubted it--but the miracle just continues to be wondrous, no matter how many babies have come before!!!)
    I Love You!!
    mama and immensely proud grama kim!!!!!!!!

  3. Bubba, 1 in 5 women has a tilted uterus. It just means that instead of my uterus facing toward my belly, it faces toward my back. Once the baby stretches everything out enough, it'll just pop itself into the right spot above my pelvis regardless, but right now it just makes it hard to hear the heartbeat. I've always thought I'd want a midwife, medicaid makes it easy because, unless there is a problem, that's what I'm offered.
