Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Bigger and Bigger

Wow! Just when I'll get used to my belly, I'll wake up to find it's even bigger than it was when I went to sleep! I'm afraid that even maternity clothes won't cover my belly by the end!

I took the girls to the museum yesterday and finally had to admit to myself that I cannot do everything I could once do. As soon as we got there I could feel it in my back. I had to sit down at every exhibit. I was so exhausted when I got home! I took a bath to relax and went to bed early.

I told the girls that the next time I took them to the museum, Ellie would be with us and it would be warm.

Eleanor kicks constantly now, unless I'm trying to show someone else or have someone else feel her kick. My mom was here for the holidays and never saw or felt her move once! I can tell she hears and responds to me (Ellie, not my mom) because when she's moving, if I say anything at all to anyone, she immediately stops. I've been poking her a lot lately, cause I can actually feel her body now. I can tell which side her back is on and feel her tiny butt above my belly button. She's running out of space in there, so when she moves I can often feel a knee or foot poking through. Yesterday I discovered that she can feel even a slight tickle! I ran my fingers down my belly and it almost felt like she did it back! I don't know what she was actually doing to cause the sensation, but it was like her whole body responded to it.

I've been getting Braxton Hicks contractions all the time. I asked my midwife about it and she told me what to look for before I worry. I hadn't been drinking enough water and combined with how much I do everyday, it can cause lots of BH contractions. So now I'm trying to remember to drink lots of water and sit down when I need to.

I had been procrastinating on the nursery but finally got in there a little last weekend. I'm hoping to have it cleaned out before the baby shower. I will want to show it off and I'll want to be able to put anything for Ellie in her room! Scott has voiced his lack of faith in this area many times. He thinks the baby will not have her own room because I will never finish. I told him he's wrong and so now I have to prove it.

Well I guess that's all for now. With the amount of time I leave between these blogs, there probably won't be more than one or two before I'm posting actual pictures of an actual baby!


  1. Wow, really sounds like you are going thru a major growth spurt!! -or I guess I actually mean Eleanor!! I really like that name--hadnt thought about the name much when it 'only' belonged to my mom, except I knew She didnt like being named that--but now I think of your little baby girl, and I think 'Eleanor' is so pretty!! and 'Ellie' is cute, so there ya go!!
    I'm glad you are taking it easy when you need to!! Your health right now needs to be your #1 priority!! --OK, I will get off the'MOM' box now...
    and as far as the nursery, your nesting instincts will take over one day and it will be like you're watching yourself do it all, and wondering why you worried--and you know why?? becuz along with those nesting instincts comes the idea that nesting is FUN--it will feel natural---are you taking time off BEFORE the baby comes?? You pry told me, but I forgot!
    I love you sunshine!!!!
    your MaMa

  2. I like how you are sharing this experience, Rhiannon. Great descriptions and honoring yourself and your pregnancy. I can almost feel it! love you honey. Can't wait to meet Eleanor. Will you come to the reunion next summer?

  3. Mom, I am working until the day after my birthday. She is due the next Friday, so who knows... I could have 3 weeks before she comes, I could have a couple days.

    Aunt Kat, I don't think I'll be able to make the reunion this year. I will just be coming off of a 2-3 month maternity leave and so financially, that will be next to impossible. Also, after that long a break, it would be hard to ask for a vacation from the families I work for. I'm hoping for next year though.
