Monday, September 19, 2011

Latest Developments

This past week Ellie turned 6 months old!  She's been working on crawling for awhile now, so it didn't surprise me too much when she finally crawled forward yesterday.  This is a little clip I took this morning at work.  Jack has lots of neat toys, so she was really motivated!  I love the excited noises she makes.  She's so proud of herself!!


I also particularly loved the way she kept stopping at the end to measure the distance she still had to go to make it to the toy she wanted!

But a surprise development (I think she must have been practicing in secret) was waving hello! 


  1. amazing how she measured like that, so fun to see her crawling!!!

  2. Watch out world and cats Ellie is on the move! Keep on reaching for what you want baby girl!
