Over the weekend I had planned to get up nice and early to attempt to sort out the piles of pictures of Ellie we've accumulated and to catch up a little on the blog. Well I got up at 5am on Saturday and started with the pictures and Ellie woke up about 45 minutes later. So doesn't that figure? I have nicknamed Ellie "my little teenager" because she sleeps in when she's allowed to until around 10 or 11! But on the day I thought I would actually be productive, she decides to be the early bird.
"I'll play later, Mom. Can't you see I'm sleeping?" |
Sunday I needed to get some groceries, so I got up early to sneak out alone and guess who woke right up? You guessed it! Well, maybe she's working on having a more typical schedule after all...
"Hey! Where do you think you're going?" |
So between Ellie and cats and hanging out with Scott, I managed to get all the pictures from 2011 neatly sorted on my computer! There were 993 on my iPhone alone! I didn't get to any blogging, but I will be able to now, because I will be able to find the pictures I need for the blogs. Yay!
you're doing a great job so far!!!