Sunday, June 12, 2011


Tomorrow my daughter will be three months old. As I type here on my rocking chair, she is on our bed all swaddled up with her pacifier, gazing at me as she falls asleep with dozy smiles.

I love her.

I had obviously expected this. To love her. But what I didn't anticipate was the intimacy that would be there between us. The way she lays her cheek on my breast after she eats and smiles at me. A sweet thank you for providing her nourishment to grow. How she whispers her little sighs and sweet breaths at me as we slowly wake up together on a Sunday morning.

This love is new.

And it is perfect.

1 comment:

  1. ah, I got willy bumbs reading that...such memories, so sweet! Thats it, you nailed it! That 'Love' mom's try to explain to childless or pregnant women... when we try to explain it,we fail..I mean, everyone knows what its like to Love, right??? Yet its That Intimacy that swoons in and steals your heart..Thats 'what I'm talkin about'..I've often referred to 'falling in love with your baby' (at first sight!)...its That mother-love that catches and sticks, and it is the best and the hardest love you'll ever know!! Welcome to motherhood my darling beautiful daughter! You have a lot of people in this support group, but no one loves you more then I!
