Saturday, November 27, 2010


Did you know that a VAST MAJORITY of women POOP during labor? I read this the other day and freaked out. Then I was actually glad that they no longer allow the birth to be recorded.

The article I read was written by a labor and delivery nurse and really worried me at first. But thinking about it later, I realize that I was choosing to dwell on the scary thought that I might be one of the vast majority because dwelling on the rest is even scarier.

The process of labor is something that I've thought about and witnessed and know that my body is made for. It is totally natural. But I find myself thinking, "Can I do this?" I know I can be a mom. I'll be a great mom. But I'm scared of the part where I BECOME a mom.

To comfort myself, I look around in busy places and try to wrap my brain around the fact that every single person I see is here because a woman went through what I'm going through. And what I will go through. It's overwhelming and comforting and makes me appreciate women (and my mom!) even more than I already did!

I guess I sort of feel like I'm on an extremely tall roller coaster and I'm already most of the way up. Now there is only one way down and that's the scary part. Sometimes I feel like I want to slow it all down so I can realize what's actually going on here.

In the meantime, I will just try to deal with the fact that I might poop during labor and I will pretend that is the scariest part of it all.


  1. I found that out during an episode of "Scrubs"! Ah, educational television. :)

  2. If you poop you know u r doing something right because the muscles for pooping and pushing out a baby are so close together. Remember: the ob nurses and doctors have seen it all before.

  3. hahaaha I love the way you write, I think you should write your autobiography! anyway, if you poop theres a good chance you wont even know it, no one is going to even think to mention it or notice it cuz they're all too busy with everything else coming out, the important stuff!
    I worried about that too, and to this day dont know if that happened or not. In my experience, and that is all I know about, the actual delivery is easy, like taking a gigantic crap (sorry to come back to that..) the labor pain is "a challenge" but even that is easier these days now that they give you an epidural earlier than 8 centimeters---you will want that--even if you think now that you dont want it, please at least make sure it is on hand!! another tip, do what you can not to have it induced, labor is known to be a bit harder in those cases (you dont want harder) theres my advise for the day, and yes, just keep worrying about the poop!
    your mama with love!!
