View of... I realize I don't know what it's called... but the place they took Ellie to be weighed and measured and suctioned. It was very surreal to lie in a hospital bed and look over at the place my baby would soon be.
My adorable sister and birth partner setting up her little area. I don't know what she did over there most of the day because I was stoned and asleep for most of it!
Ah yes, the star of the show (until the real star arrived!). I was still a normal shade here.
My beautiful Eleanor's first picture! Perfect from the very beginning.
This is the team that helped deliver Ellie. Teresa took the picture. If I had been more with it, I would've tried to get one that included her, too! I don't know if you can tell, but at this point my skin color is green and my face is ridiculously swollen! I even had a "beard" of little broken blood vessels covering my chin! Lovely!
A smitten Scott holds his little girl for the first time.